The Hunt (2020, dir. Craig Zobel)

A group of strangers find themselves being hunted. Okay The Most Dangerous Game variant with a few plot wrinkles, not all of which work. Stronger on splatter gore moments than as the intended satire, but there’s some fun to be had, and Betty Gilpin is great in badass mode.

I Am Mother (2019, dir. Grant Sputore)

A girl is raised by an android in an underground bunker as part of an Earth repopulation project. Well-designed and acted SF that sustains itself for an hour, but which doesn’t have the nous to engineer a third act; ultimately frustrating, even if there are many pleasures along the way.

Logan Lucky (2017, dir. Steven Soderbergh)

Two down-on-their-luck brothers plan a heist at a Nascar race. Massively confident and entertaining crime comedy, which takes the hoariest of premises (breaking out of prison to commit the perfect crime) and has lots of fun with it. Polished entertainment.

The Core (2003, dir. Jon Amiel)

When the earth’s core stops rotating, a mission is assembled to restart it. Enjoyably daft and self-aware big-budget B-movie, with an excellent cast of character actors playing the dopey material with an eye to stay on the right side of camp always.