Star Trek Into Darkness (2013, dir. JJ Abrams)

Attacks on Starfleet propel Kirk and crew into a manhunt in Klingon territory. Second of the alt-timeline reboot film series works fine as a pacy SF adventure with plenty of comedy to counterpoint the action, though struggles – as before – with its villainy and a need to over-reference its predecessors. A third movie followed.

Here’s the trailer.

Hotel Artemis (2018, dir. Drew Pearce)

One night in a gangsters-only private hospital in riot-torn near-future LA. Derivative but fun low-budget cyberpunk thriller, with elements of the Purge and John Wick movies. The budget’s wisely spent on strength in depth in the casting.

Star Trek (2009, dir. JJ Abrams)

The Enterprise crew assembles and fights a renegade Romulan across two generations. Slick and funny on the surface, though with an awkward backstory (alt-timelines and time-travel), this franchise reboot delivers acceptably with a well-cast crew.

Star Trek: Beyond (2016, dir. Justin Lin)

The Enterprise is destroyed by an alien race seeking a device that will allow them to attack the Federation. A pacy, light, though ultimately disposable third instalment of the alt-timeline Kirk adventures. Feels like an expanded TV episode; not altogether a criticism.

Margin Call (2011, dir. JC Chandor)

A night and a day in a Wall Street company going under at the start of the financial crisis. Smart little boardroom thriller with a keen ensemble cast working well together. Makes you care about a bunch of suits and their shifty ways with numbers.