House on Haunted Hill (1999, dir. William Malone)

A theme park owner hosts a birthday party in a supposedly-haunted ex-asylum. Remake of the Vincent Price flick. More a premise than a movie, though there’s some fun to be had before it kinda falls apart, not least in Geoffrey Rush and Famke Janssen out-camping each other, and in some neat FX touches. A DTV sequel followed.

Here’s the trailer

Final Destination (2000, dir. James Wong)

After a premonition saves them from an air crash, a group of teens is targeted by Death itself. Inventive horror flick, taking the convoluted killing sequence trope from the Omen films and re-inventing it for the Scream generation. Tons of fun, a few neat in-jokes, and clever kills aplenty. The first of a series of five films.

Final Destination 2 (2003, dir. David R Ellis)

Strangers who narrowly miss being killed in a freeway pile-up find they are connected to those who died in the Flight 180 disaster aftermath. A sprightly sequel upping the first movie’s focus on blackly comic convoluted killing mechanisms, as Death seeks to restore order. Lots of fun, and contains maybe the greatest car crash in the movies.

Resident Evil: The Last Chapter (2016, dir. Paul WS Anderson)

Alice returns to Raccoon City to face down Dr Isaacs, lured by the promise of a vaccine to the T-Virus. The sixth instalment of this midlist franchise is surprisingly feisty, with bags of action and some good lines. For fans only, maybe, but they won’t be disappointed.