Star Trek Into Darkness (2013, dir. JJ Abrams)

Attacks on Starfleet propel Kirk and crew into a manhunt in Klingon territory. Second of the alt-timeline reboot film series works fine as a pacy SF adventure with plenty of comedy to counterpoint the action, though struggles – as before – with its villainy and a need to over-reference its predecessors. A third movie followed.

Here’s the trailer.

Ghost Ship (2002, dir. Steve Beck)

A salvage crew find gold aboard a fabled lost cruiser that turns out to be haunted. Its arresting beginning aside, this attempt to riff on – among others – The Shining at sea is hampered by a woeful script. A good cast and some decent production values wasted.

Star Trek (2009, dir. JJ Abrams)

The Enterprise crew assembles and fights a renegade Romulan across two generations. Slick and funny on the surface, though with an awkward backstory (alt-timelines and time-travel), this franchise reboot delivers acceptably with a well-cast crew.

Star Trek: Beyond (2016, dir. Justin Lin)

The Enterprise is destroyed by an alien race seeking a device that will allow them to attack the Federation. A pacy, light, though ultimately disposable third instalment of the alt-timeline Kirk adventures. Feels like an expanded TV episode; not altogether a criticism.