House on Haunted Hill (1999, dir. William Malone)

A theme park owner hosts a birthday party in a supposedly-haunted ex-asylum. Remake of the Vincent Price flick. More a premise than a movie, though there’s some fun to be had before it kinda falls apart, not least in Geoffrey Rush and Famke Janssen out-camping each other, and in some neat FX touches. A DTV sequel followed.

Here’s the trailer

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (AKA Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales) (2017, dir. Joachim Ronning & Espen Sandberg)

Jack Sparrow is hunted down by an old ghostly enemy. The fifth entry in the series is tedious in the extreme, a laboured and unfunny recycling of story elements from previous episodes, with a plainly bored cast of veterans. Time to lay these bones to rest.