Late Phases [AKA Night of the Wolf] (2014, dir. Adrián García Bogliano)

A blind Vietnam veteran believes his new retirement community is a werewolf hunting ground. Quirky, ambitious werewolf pic with a fondness for 80s-style practical effects. Better in moments than in its overall storytelling, but there’s some fine stuff here, and a great cast of character actors led by Nick Damici.

Here’s the trailer.

The Monster Squad (1987, dir. Fred Dekker)

A group of monster-obsessed pre-teens have to face off against a gallery of Universal Studios villains. Straightforward and very contrived sub-Spielbergian kid adventure post-ET/The Goonies. Some of it works well, and the creature effects evidence love, but too much is perfunctory tick-box stuff that’s being rushed through.

Here’s the trailer.

The House of the Devil (2009, dir. Ti West)

A student takes a babysitting job for an unusual couple. Stylish and well-acted autumnal horror film, with a well-designed 70s aesthetic and some great shock moments. Simple in story terms, but works well through a combination of quirky casting, sustained dread, and third act delivery on its promise.