Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979, dir. Robert Wise)

The newly-refitted Enterprise answers a call from space. The first film adventure in the cycle has an intriguing conceit, but struggles to balance 2001-style spectacle and grandeur with post-Star Wars popcorn thrills. A slow misfire, but not without its moments.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991, dir. Nicholas Meyer)

The Enterprise crew battles a Klingon captain bent on destabilising the prospect of peace. A fine send-off for the original series crew, part six of the franchise effectively comments on Cold War anxieties while delivering on character and space battles.

Star Trek (2009, dir. JJ Abrams)

The Enterprise crew assembles and fights a renegade Romulan across two generations. Slick and funny on the surface, though with an awkward backstory (alt-timelines and time-travel), this franchise reboot delivers acceptably with a well-cast crew.