Last Seen Alive [AKA Chase] (2022, dir. Brian Goodman)

A woman goes missing at a truck stop: her estranged husband searches. Perfunctory thriller that’s unsure what to do with its Breakdown-ish setup, opting for linearity over complexity: there’s never doubt that Gerry Butler – for it is he – is anything other than a good guy. Stops rather than ends: a bit of a disappointment.

Here’s the trailer.

Late Phases [AKA Night of the Wolf] (2014, dir. Adrián García Bogliano)

A blind Vietnam veteran believes his new retirement community is a werewolf hunting ground. Quirky, ambitious werewolf pic with a fondness for 80s-style practical effects. Better in moments than in its overall storytelling, but there’s some fine stuff here, and a great cast of character actors led by Nick Damici.

Here’s the trailer.